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Home: Welcome

Humility | Compassion | Love

Pebbles is a ground up initiative started in 2014 whose aim is to spread love and care to various beneficiaries! We hope to be able to make Singapore a more gracious and kind society who helps each other and those in need!

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Our History

Pebbles was founded on 13th March 2014 by three sisters - Beverly Wan, Evangelista Wan and Angelina Wan - in an attempt to cheer our beneficiaries up and make their days!

Pebbles started out as a personal project whose volunteers stemmed from internal connections had an aim to give out hand made cards to various beneficiaries such as hospital patients, hospice residents, children's home residents, foreign workers, etc. Over time, projects evolved to become more interactive through the planning of fun activities such as pillow making, sushi making, karaoke sessions, performances and so on! We have since completed over 15 projects, with our pool of volunteers!


Being a non-profit organisation, Pebbles channels all funds into current and future projects, all of which are collected via fundraisers and donations!

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Donate to Pebbles In A Shoebox and contribute to making Singapore a more gracious society! Help us fund our projects and make the days of our beneficiaries!

Online Thrift Booksale

Go to our site to purchase pre-loved books priced between $3 - $8! You can even donate your own excess books in hope of giving them a second home, being more environmentally conscious by contributing to a circular economy and give back to society at the same time!

Project Apollo | Purchase kits

Underprivileged women often find themselves spending large amounts of money on necessities such as disposable menstrual and hygiene products. 


Purchase an Apollo Kit for a woman in need to help them curb the cost of disposable menstrual products!

Our Projects

Pebbles has conducted a multitude of projects for a variety of beneficiaries. Through these projects, we hope to be able to make an impact, regardless of how big or small, to support these beneficiaries and cater to their needs or just simply make their day

Project Apollo

Ensuring feminine hygiene for underprivileged women

Providing feminine hygiene kits that include reusable silicone menstrual cups, soap flakes, etc to underprivileged women in Singapore and other countries so curb the cost of disposable hygiene products.

Home Visits

Visiting Children's Homes, Old Folk's Homes and Hospices

Pebble volunteers will get together beforehand to plan various activities such as pillow making sessions, sushi-making sessions and sing-along sessions to be conducted at these homes depending on the beneficiary!

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Other Projects

Discontinued but we remember these projects dearly!

Pebbles has conducted a variety of projects in the past but has narrowed our scope to cater to our beneficiaries more effectively! Some projects we conducted were Project Lemonade to cater to foreign workers, Operation Sticky and Operation Stickier to leave anonymous notes and roses for the general public and we even organised a flash mob under Project Footloose to raise funds and put a smile on passerby's faces!


If you have your own project in mind, contact us and start planning with us!

Fundraiser Bookstore


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Get in touch with us!

We'll get back to you soon! :)

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